It is pathetic to hear the doctor deliver the grim news, “You have coronary heart disease and
you need coronary bypass surgery now.” Frightened into a near-myocardial
infarction right then and there, you’re ready to agree to anything
But the Good News is
Jantung Koroner Tidak Selalu Harus Pasang Ring atau Operasi
CoronaryarteryDisease doesn't always need stents or bypass surgery
Doctors Ignore Proven Alternative to Coronary Stents and Bypass Surgery
By Dale Kiefer A unique opportunity to save countless lives and billions of dollars is being overlooked by the medical community. This technique increases blood flow to the heart, strengthens the circulation, and offers a proven way to treat heart disease in lieu of stents or bypass surgery.Enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) is a safe, non-invasive procedure that can overcome heart disease in two ways—by passively exercising the heart to strengthen the vascular system and by targeting inflammation, the underlying culprit in damaged blood vessels that inhibits blood flow.
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By improving circulation, this simple procedure prevents arteries from becoming blocked, allowing the heart to do its job more effectively. As is often the case, health care in the United States is often driven by lucrative revenues making many in the medical community reluctant to embrace alternative therapies.
Life Extension first enlightened members to the benefits of EECP therapy in May 2003, yet most Foundation members still don’t realize this life-saving technology is available. In this article, we’ll review why your cardiologist can no longer afford to ignore the benefits of this inexpensive, life-saving procedure.
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Patient being treated on Vasomedical LumenairTM EECP® Therapy System
Imagine this scenario. You’ve developed troubling symptoms recently—shortness of breath, difficulty climbing stairs without resting frequently, and maybe even some pressure or pain in your chest. If you’re a man, you may have noticed a decrease in libido, or an occasional inability to sustain erection during sex. You may even break out into a sweat inexplicably from time to time.
You see a physician, and after listening to your heart and lungs he may send you to see a cardiologist, who takes your history, listens to your heart again, and sends you for a battery of tests. You may be given an electrocardiogram and a chest X-ray, have some blood work drawn, and be sent for further testing, such as a stress test or an echocardiogram (EKG). Eventually, the doctor delivers the grim news, “You have coronary heart disease and you need coronary bypass surgery now.” Frightened into a near-myocardial infarction right then and there, you’re ready to agree to anything.
Jantung Koroner Tidak Selalu Harus Pasang Ring atau
Operasi.bypass . Sehubungan dgn
banyaknya kasus penyempitan pembuluh darah terutama di jantung yg pada
awalnya dirasakan sebagai sesak napas atau napas terengah–engah atau
cepat lelah (misalnya naik tangga), bersama ini di informasikan bahwa
penanganan penyempitan pembuluh darah tsb TIDAK SELALU hrs dilakukan
dgn pemasangan ring (Stent) atau bahkan operasi by pass. Saat ini
penanganan pembuluh darah di jantung yg menyempit dpt dilakukan dgn cara
di infus. Cairan infus yg di import tsb mampu mengikis (membersihkan)
plaque (gumpalan2 yg umumnya berupa calsium) pada bagian dlm pembuluh
darah yg menghambat aliran darah. Tergantung dari parah atau tidaknya
penyempitan tsb, Dr. Yahya Kisyanto, yg alamat prakteknya di daerah
Cikini, menggunakan dua macam cairan infus. Pengobatan penyempitan
pembuluh darah dgn cara di infus ini biayanya sangat terjangkau oleh
masyarakat umum dan sudah banyak pasien yg berhasil ditangani.
1. Dr. Yahya Kisyanto merupakan dokter yg sangat senior di bidang
Cardiologist & Internist - sangat sosial dan sangat membantu pasien,
bahkan pasien yg datang pd hari Minggu pun dilayani. 2. Biaya yg dibebankan juga sangat sosial. Ada 2 - macam cairan infus yg digunakan harganya sekitar Rp 600 ribu dan Rp 1,3 juta – per infus - tergantung parahnya penyempitan. Harga ini jauh lebih sosial dibanding dgn klinik Cardiologi lainnya.
3. Jam praktek Dr. Yahya Kisyanto, dari jam 08 pagi sampai jam 14 siang dan sore jam 18 sampai jam 22 atau dgn perjanjian. Nomor telepon
(021) 319 –25353.
Klinik Abdi Medika (Cikini). .
Informasi ini tidak ada salahnya Anda sebarkan kpd pihak lain untuk membantu sesama yg mungkin sedang membutuhkan.
Semoga bermanfaat.
Atherosclerosis (also known as arteriosclerotic vascular disease or ASVD) is a specific form of arteriosclerosis in which an artery wall thickens as a result of invasion and accumulation of white blood cells
(termed "fatty streaks" early on because of appearance being similar to
that of marbled steak) and containing both living active WBCs (called
inflammation) and remnants of dead cells, including cholesterol and triglycerides,
eventually calcium and other crystallized materials, within the
outer-most and oldest plaque. These changes reduce the elasticity of the
artery walls but do not affect blood flow for decades because the
artery muscular wall enlarges at the locations of plaque. However, the
wall stiffening may eventually increase pulse pressure; widened pulse
pressure is one possible result of advanced disease within the major
arteries. It is a syndrome affecting arterial blood vessels, a chronic inflammatory response, i.e. white blood cells, in the walls of arteries, largely involving the accumulation of macrophages and white blood cells and promoted by low-density lipoproteins (LDL, plasma proteins that carry cholesterol and triglycerides) without adequate removal of fats and cholesterol from the macrophages by functional high-density lipoproteins (HDL) (see apoA-1 Milano). It is commonly referred to as a "hardening" or furring of the arteries. It is caused by the formation of multiple atheromatous plaques within the arteries
Source : Life Extension
Prof. Dr. Yahya Kisyanto, PhD, SpJP, SpPD, FACC
Prioritas Menolong Orang
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